Auction – 90’s Dance Party

Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 22nd! The Auction committee is zeroing in on the best venue, and this promises to be an exciting night of 90s music, dancing, dining and reconnecting in person – all in the name of supporting Charlemagne’s incredible students, staff and teachers. Which is where YOU ALL come in: we are actively seeking live and silent auction items.

Do you have (or know someone who has) a vacation home or timeshare opportunity to offer for our auction? Do you have a favorite local business you think might want to contribute a Gift Card for their products or services? Are you interested in putting together a fun silent auction basket, or perhaps you have a tasty bottle on hand that you would be happy to go towards the ‘Wall of Wine’?

Please reach out to to get involved! You can find more details here (please scroll through to the Auction section). The theme is 90’s Dance Party  so start planning your outfits (if you so desire, not compulsory by any means).

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