Events at glance

Community Night Out – This appetizing program is being wonderfully run by a couple of parents, but they are always grateful for new suggestions of restaurants, or providers of a family friendly activity (bowling is a popular one) who might be interested in supporting our school by offering to donate a portion of proceeds from orders that reference (by flier etc.) our fundraiser. If there is a favorite place your family likes to dine or play, please consider asking them if they are interested in supporting our school (while boosting their business), and then connect the CNO Coordinators with them.

Esprit de Corps – This committee concentrates on fostering school spirit with events like movie nights, and International cuisine potlucks. We also get involved in opportunities to give back to the community through a Winter Warmth clothing drive, and Thanksgiving meal food baskets. We organize a few different special activities, such as Playground Socials for incoming families before school starts, and various acts of recognition in honor of Classified Staff & Teacher Appreciation weeks in Spring term.

Trivia Night (November or January) – The name says it all, this event is for the grownups, to enjoy making connections and showing off their factual knowledge and pop culture prowess in lighthearted competition.

Carnaval (February) –  A fun filled event for all families! This dynamic gathering brings us together to brighten our hearts through the winter and bolster our school spirit. There will be several game and activity stations, and many helpers will be needed!

Auction (April) – We hold an elegant evening event, our biggest fundraiser in the Spring. Such a major project requires a committee of people able to dedicate time to its fruition starting in the Fall, and really collaborate with local businesses to get as much support as possible.  As part of making an Auction feasible & successful we need parents to reach out into their various networks in the broader Eugene community to secure sponsorship and procure donations from businesses and service providers – it’s not as daunting as it sounds since we are a registered non profit (501c3), and generally people love to donate to schools!

Read-a-Thon/Math-a-Thon (March in alternate years) Students are encouraged to log minutes of reading time (Read-a-Thon) or complete a packet of grade level-appropriate math problems (Math-a-thon) within a week, while collecting pledges and donations from family & friends and other members of their community. Each year we need leadership by a Chair(s) to launch these programs, and several volunteers throughout the week to collect packets, and manage the flow of incoming funds. Every student who participates by submitting their math problems packet or reading log is given a small prize, regardless of whether they collected monetary contributions. 

Tour du Monde (June) Our school’s Jog-a-thon, which gets the kids moving their bodies just as summer break is on the horizon!

School Community Events -These are not set up as PTO Committee driven activities, however we are very involved in promoting parent awareness for, and coordination of the  volunteer efforts that are necessary to run them.
OBOB (Oregon Battle of Books)
Science Fair
Holiday Market
Talent Show
Field Day – last day of school