Thursday, Oct 19, from 6:30-8:30pm

Join us for the return of Charlemagne’s Family French Movie Night! All families are welcome to come to the FREE showing of Ratatouille (shown in French with English subtitles) on Thursday, October 19, from 6:30-8:30 PM in the Cafeteria.
Free pizza (generously donated by Track Town Pizza) will be available as well as popcorn! Donations will be accepted to help cover the cost of the popcorn & movie! Parents/Guardians are required to attend with their students. This is not a drop-off event.
Sign up Here to help Volunteer for the evening:
– Blankets/Pillows/Mats to sit on (the school will have some mats available for use)
-You may bring your own snacks (nut-free please) or a picnic dinner! We appreciate your help cleaning up after yourselves if you do so!
-Water Bottle or cups for water
We will see you all there-
Your Esprit de Corp chairs, Rachel Henderson & Betsy Wilberg