We are all in the PTO!

As a parent of a student at Charlemagne, you are already part of the organization working to raise funds that directly boost the staffing budget to ensure an optimal educator : student ratio. Through our many events we generate essential financial support so that our wonderful teachers, Educational Assistants, and the francophone intern program can establish a strong foundation for our students’ success. Our goal is to provide a healthy learning environment for all students which inspires them to develop a compassionate and engaged worldview.

There are many ways to participate, and any contribution towards our goal of $56,000 this year is very welcome, including the commitment of your valuable time.

Here are a few examples:

  • Join in our Community Night Out meals & activities, supporting local businesses who partner with our school in donating a portion of proceeds to our organization
  • Sign up to help with Esprit de Corps events (such as Staff Appreciation Week, movie nights at school, summertime playground socials, and other occasions that foster school spirit)
  • Be a part of the innovative team that puts on our fun-filled Winter Carnival event 
  • Help to procure donations and sponsors for our Spring Auction event, which is the major source of our much needed revenue to reach our yearly goal
  • Participate in running one of our an annual school fundraisers, such as the Read-a-thon/ Math-a-thon (which alternate each year), and the Tour du Monde (our “Jog-a-thon”)
  • Serve as a Coordinator (with the Intern program or for our Community Night Out events)
  • Step up to take a position on our Executive Board and engage in sustaining our organization’s commitment to the school community to promote a culture of social justice, equity, diversity and inclusivity